Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Guilty Pleasure...

Ok, i like to indulge sometimes (only once in a while). My favorite kind of vodka is this Ciroc snap frost Vodka. I love it! ...and when you mix it with cranberry juice, forget about it.
I kinda fell in love with it by accident though. I first tried it at a little get together with a friend; it's not like i sampled vodka's to find the perfect one : )
This one ordinarily has a kinda fruity taste to it because it's distilled from grapes (wine flavored vodka... lol)

Glitter Pumps!

Ok, a lil thing about me - i hate to shop on impulse. I always make sure i put a lot of thought into any purchase before i actually buy it. This is because i hate to return stuff to stores. Although, when it came to this baby, i was drooling! I would not let go of it and i just knew i had to get it. My older sis, who's supposed to be my voice of reason, just shrugged when i asked her if i should buy it. Thank God! This goes with just about any party dress.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I was able to find an old picture of Ruby (my betta that died) and i know i said i would post it if i ever found one.... so here goes.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Petco again... and Berry (Ruby's real replacement)

So, i went back to Petco like i said i would so that i could get the correct fish food for my tetras. This time around, i ended up looking at the array of betta's they had and couldn't help but wonder if it was about time i got a replacement for ruby (my betta fish that had recently died). Long story short, i got Berry! Berry is now Ruby's real replacement and I hope he lives a long and healthy life like Ruby did (2yrs and 1month).

Friday, December 9, 2011


I went to PETCO today to try to get some fish food for my tetras and ended up just browsing through the animals they had in stock. There was a snake that looked like it was fed up of life and some mice. The ferrets were cute though; I thought they acted a lot like cats. Anyways, I got home and tried to feed the tetras when I realised I got the wrong food. I got some kinda hard one instead of the regular flakes and of course, my spoilt fish would not even give it a chance. They just kept on spitting it out... now I have to go back and get the right ones... hopefully!
If this post doesn't come out right, its cuz I'm doing it from the app instead of on an actual web browser.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dr. Martens

I ordered my very first pair of Dr. Martens last week and they arrived yesterday... I was so excited! I took pictures of them while my sister tried them on. I absolutely love them!
I got the Cherry Red - 1460 Womens. Plus, i got them when the Dr. Martens website had a sale - 25% off!
I love em! "These boots were made for walking, and that's what they're gonna do..."!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ruby's fake replacement

 I used to have a red betta (the little feisty fish), but it died last week... I was so heartbroken - his name was ruby. I'll see if i can rustle up some pictures of him. Anyway, I was so heartbroken that someone got me a little magnetic aquarium. You can arrange the fish or seaweed anyhow you want. I just want to use this opportunity to say that i still plan on adopting another betta, but these magnetic ones would have to do for now.


I'm down with a cold today... well technically, it started yesterday. I've eaten everything you can think of - cookies, footlong subway, muffin... but i can't taste anything.
My nose is all congested and i have the sniffles... I've used dayquil and an allergy medication - still nothing :(
I guess i'm just gonna have to wait it out and save all the best foods till i get better, cuz what's the use of eating when you can't taste it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Motorola Xoom

I thought about this today...

It's been months since i got my Xoom and i could honestly say that the Xoom is the single most awesome investment i ever made. A lot of people have buyer's remorse after they spend as much as i did on a tablet but looking back now, I do not regret any penny i spent. I will admit though, my wallet was mad at me for a while :).

I like the fact that i get newer awesome apps almost everyday and as many updates and tweaks as my apps require. The material is really sturdy - and i know this from experience (dropped it about a million times). The list goes on and on and on. Oh, and when i upgraded to 4G (for free), they gave me a free dock to go with it... How awesome is that!

Oh, and pretty much all the pictures i blog with are gonna be taken with my awesome Xoom!

Monday, December 5, 2011

My little angel fix

So... I broke a hand off one of my Christmas tree ornaments but i loved it too much to trash it...
The solution: I made a toga for it out of tissue paper :)

My first post

This is my first post but be assured that there’s many more to come. This blog is going to be about the little things that happen to me or around me. I’ll try as much to include pictures because everyone likes pictures. We’ll see how long i can keep this going.