Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cannibal in Miami

I was reading the Express newspaper (the ones that metro riders get for free) when I saw the oddest news. It's about a man that was killed while eating another man's face. Here's a clipping of the news article so that you can read it for yourself. (You can click on it to see a larger version)
By the way, I couldn't help but wonder why they were naked, and why the attacker growled (nudist zombie comes to mind)...

The name of the alleged cannibal is Rudy Eugene, 31. It has also come to light that he was reportedly high on the dangerous synthetic stimulant known on the streets as "bath salts". The victim turned out to be a 65yr old homeless man, Ronald Poppo, who remains hospitalized in critical condition. Below are the pictures of Rudy on the left and Ronald on the right.
... and a picture of the victim afterwards
Viewer discretion is advised.

Funny Animation

I came across a very funny animation while browsing the internet today and thought i would share with all of you. It's pretty funny and i hope it makes your day :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Draw Something App

My newest obsession is the Draw Something App! I absolutely love it. The idea of the game is to have you draw something and the opponent gets to guess. You are given three different words with points associated with them based on their difficulty. Pretty much, you and your opponent take turns to draw and to guess.

I will upload the good drawings i make although they may be of bad quality because i'm taking the pictures with my phone while the app is on my tablet.

In this one, I had to draw "Monopoly":
In this one, I had to draw "Waldo":

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Christian Louboutin's Top 5 Most Dangerous Shoes!

In celebration of the fabulous work Christian Louboutin has done in the past 20 years, London's Design Museum recently dedicated a whole exhibit to his craftsmanship. In the style section of the Huffington Post (Huff Post), they shed some light on how dangerous some of the shoes looked. "We're not talking about the heel size. We're talking about spikes coming from all angles and what appears to be a barbed wire-like material on some of these red bottom shoes." In summary, the  Huff Post set up a slideshow where people can vote on the most dangerous out of their top 5 (link).

Please tell me what you think... Personally, i think he gets a kick out of watching folks painfully walk in his creations; after all, he once indicated that his shoes were not made for walking, but rather for showcasing :)