Thursday, July 19, 2012
ASOS Two-tone Vibe Flatform
What caught my eye about this shoe was its oddity. It wasn't because it was so fabulous i had to have it but more along the lines of - it would definitely make people stare. Long story short, I got them and it was a challenge getting used to walking in them. Although, unlike the years of training it takes to master prancing around in 6inch pumps, i got it down in a day. I promise i only almost tripped once :)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Spam Mail
I checked my spam mail for the first time in a very very long time and i couldn't help but just stare at the content of the junk in there. It's quite ridiculous and I started to wonder if it actually reflects what people are most worried about now :)
Here's a screen shot (please click on it to see a larger picture)
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Update: Cannibal in Miami
Doctors have released an image of the cannibal attack victim, Ronald Poppo, two weeks after the attack. I will definitely keep him in my prayers... To see the unedited pictures, please click on the "Read more" link.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Monday, June 11, 2012
World's Shortest Horror Story
The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door. - Frederic Brown
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
More Cannibals in the News
Within a week after the Miami cannibal, more news surfaced about other cannibals.
On the list is Lukka Magnota, 29, the Canadian psycho who is suspected of chopping up and eating his gay lover. Lukka is actually a porn actor whose sadistic obsessions led him to post internet videos of him killing kittens, then eventually his gay lover. He actually dismembered the Chinese student and mailed some of the body parts to Canada's top political parties. He was caught at an internet cafe where he had spent 2hrs reading media coverage of himself.
Next on my list is Alexander Kinyua, a 21yr old Morgan State University student from Kenya. He allegedly admitted to killing his roommate, Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie, and then eating his heart and portions of his brain. Kujoe was a 37yr old man from Ghana that had been staying with Kinyua's family in Baltimore. Kinyua had ranted about "mass human sacrifices" on Facebook, months before the attack.
Last on my list is the most heinous. A Texas mother allegedly decapitated her baby, ripped off his face, ate the infant's brain and chewed off three of his toes! Otty Sanchez, 32, apparently dismembered her 3 and a half month old baby with a knife and a sword. Otty had been in and out of psychiatric wards and she carried out the attack after the child's father moved out. After the attack, Otty stabbed herself in the torso and slit her own throat. She is currently recovering from her wounds while charged with the capital-murder death of her infant son.
On the list is Lukka Magnota, 29, the Canadian psycho who is suspected of chopping up and eating his gay lover. Lukka is actually a porn actor whose sadistic obsessions led him to post internet videos of him killing kittens, then eventually his gay lover. He actually dismembered the Chinese student and mailed some of the body parts to Canada's top political parties. He was caught at an internet cafe where he had spent 2hrs reading media coverage of himself.
Next on my list is Alexander Kinyua, a 21yr old Morgan State University student from Kenya. He allegedly admitted to killing his roommate, Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie, and then eating his heart and portions of his brain. Kujoe was a 37yr old man from Ghana that had been staying with Kinyua's family in Baltimore. Kinyua had ranted about "mass human sacrifices" on Facebook, months before the attack.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Cannibal in Miami
I was reading the Express newspaper (the ones that metro riders get for free) when I saw the oddest news. It's about a man that was killed while eating another man's face. Here's a clipping of the news article so that you can read it for yourself. (You can click on it to see a larger version)
By the way, I couldn't help but wonder why they were naked, and why the attacker growled (nudist zombie comes to mind)...
The name of the alleged cannibal is Rudy Eugene, 31. It has also come to light that he was reportedly high on the dangerous synthetic stimulant known on the streets as "bath salts". The victim turned out to be a 65yr old homeless man, Ronald Poppo, who remains hospitalized in critical condition. Below are the pictures of Rudy on the left and Ronald on the right.
By the way, I couldn't help but wonder why they were naked, and why the attacker growled (nudist zombie comes to mind)...
The name of the alleged cannibal is Rudy Eugene, 31. It has also come to light that he was reportedly high on the dangerous synthetic stimulant known on the streets as "bath salts". The victim turned out to be a 65yr old homeless man, Ronald Poppo, who remains hospitalized in critical condition. Below are the pictures of Rudy on the left and Ronald on the right.
... and a picture of the victim afterwards
Viewer discretion is advised.
Funny Animation
I came across a very funny animation while browsing the internet today and thought i would share with all of you. It's pretty funny and i hope it makes your day :)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Draw Something App
My newest obsession is the Draw Something App! I absolutely love it. The idea of the game is to have you draw something and the opponent gets to guess. You are given three different words with points associated with them based on their difficulty. Pretty much, you and your opponent take turns to draw and to guess.
I will upload the good drawings i make although they may be of bad quality because i'm taking the pictures with my phone while the app is on my tablet.
In this one, I had to draw "Monopoly":
I will upload the good drawings i make although they may be of bad quality because i'm taking the pictures with my phone while the app is on my tablet.
In this one, I had to draw "Monopoly":
In this one, I had to draw "Waldo":
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Christian Louboutin's Top 5 Most Dangerous Shoes!
In celebration of the fabulous work Christian Louboutin has done in the past 20 years, London's Design Museum recently dedicated a whole exhibit to his craftsmanship. In the style section of the Huffington Post (Huff Post), they shed some light on how dangerous some of the shoes looked. "We're not talking about the heel size. We're talking about spikes coming from all angles and what appears to be a barbed wire-like material on some of these red bottom shoes." In summary, the Huff Post set up a slideshow where people can vote on the most dangerous out of their top 5 (link).
Please tell me what you think... Personally, i think he gets a kick out of watching folks painfully walk in his creations; after all, he once indicated that his shoes were not made for walking, but rather for showcasing :)

Please tell me what you think... Personally, i think he gets a kick out of watching folks painfully walk in his creations; after all, he once indicated that his shoes were not made for walking, but rather for showcasing :)

Monday, April 16, 2012
Anders Behring Breivik - Norwegian Killer
Anders Behring Breivik - the gunman who killed 77 people last summer in Oslo and Utoya Island was scheduled to go on trial today. He admitted to planting a car bomb that killed 8 people at Oslo government headquarters last July, then killing 69 in a shooting spree at a summer youth camp, claiming he had acted to defend his country against Muslims! If found sane he faces a maximum 21-year sentence but he could be held indefinitely if he is considered a continuing danger. (news source)
The trial is scheduled to last 10 weeks and has raised fears that it could reopen wounds in the normally peaceful Norway. His propaganda video was played in court at which point he seemed to have been in tears. I think that's just him crying for himself and not the victims.
My deepest condolences go out to the families of the victims and i personally hope he spends longer than 21 years in jail - better yet, 21 years for each victim! I will update with the verdict as soon as there is one.
The trial is scheduled to last 10 weeks and has raised fears that it could reopen wounds in the normally peaceful Norway. His propaganda video was played in court at which point he seemed to have been in tears. I think that's just him crying for himself and not the victims.
My deepest condolences go out to the families of the victims and i personally hope he spends longer than 21 years in jail - better yet, 21 years for each victim! I will update with the verdict as soon as there is one.
Friday, April 6, 2012
To cut the long story short, i have adopted 2 hamsters. How i came about them is just too boring of a tale, so i'll spare you the grief :)
I couldn't get a picture because they wouldn't stay still... they act like firecrackers going off. So instead of taking pictures, i decided to make a video. As soon as they saw me coming, they tried to hide. Btw, the cage is not as small as it looks in the video, it's the angle i took it from.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Joke of the Day
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"
I hope that made your day :)
I hope that made your day :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Racist "Hunger Games" Fans
I just heard about a tumblr account - Hunger Games Tweets that is dedicated to "expose the Hunger Games fans on Twitter who dare to call themselves fans yet don't know a damn thing about the books." I was so shocked at the amount of racist rants by so called fans.
I thought we were in an age where people had risen above all that ignorance. Apparently, some of the folks already got death threats... That aside, the book did describe some of the characters as dark skinned but i guess the readers didn't think dark skinned should be black.
Here's a couple:
I thought we were in an age where people had risen above all that ignorance. Apparently, some of the folks already got death threats... That aside, the book did describe some of the characters as dark skinned but i guess the readers didn't think dark skinned should be black.
Here's a couple:
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Colorblock Platform Pump
I recently got the Xhilaration Sigrid Colorblock Platform Pump at Target. This shoe is a beauty. I rocked them all throughout yesterday and they were super comfy. People were wondering how i managed to prance around in them without limping and i explained how much support the platform in front gave me.
They currently retail for $34.99 on Target's online store and i would say they are worth every penny. To make the deal even sweeter, i actually got mine on sale :)
I finally got around to taking a picture while i was wearing them. Let me stress again that i am fashion-challenged, so don't expect to be blown away :)
They currently retail for $34.99 on Target's online store and i would say they are worth every penny. To make the deal even sweeter, i actually got mine on sale :)
I finally got around to taking a picture while i was wearing them. Let me stress again that i am fashion-challenged, so don't expect to be blown away :)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Joke of the Day
"We live in a society where pizza gets to your house faster than the police"
So sad, and yet so true...
So sad, and yet so true...
Anticipation of ShamrockFest 2012
For those that don't know what ShamrockFest is, i'll explain. ShamrockFest is DC's St. Patrick's day Festival. IT. IS. HUGE! This year, it's exactly a week after St. Patrick's day and that happens to be this Saturday the 24th. I and my very good friend, Simi, actually bought our tickets a couple weeks ago and we spent the following days trying to piece together our themed outfits (I'll add another post soon showing our outfits).
I am so excited and i hope i have lots of fun. There are going to be 50 bands and DJ's with lots of beer and food vendors. I am literally counting down :) I also heard that some folks are coming from out of town just to attend the event. The RFK Stadium is going to be so packed!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Men's Shoes
I think i'm getting a little obsessed with men's shoes. I went by Target the other day and i saw a pair on sale... I just felt i had to have them. I don't know how or where i'm going to wear them, but they look nice. If all else fails, i'll just walk around in them at home :)
If i do figure out how to pair it up, i'll post a picture.
If i do figure out how to pair it up, i'll post a picture.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
If Will Smith or Barack Obama Were White
I found this on and i was so amazed at how realistic the pictures were. I believe they had a contest for peple to use photoshop to manipulate the photo's of famous black people. I can't even remember how i came across it but i just thought i'd share. These two were my favorite ones; see if you can identify which is which.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Tae Kwon Do
I got the opportunity to join a Taekwondo class for free and i was so excited about it, but then something happened. I actually started on Monday and got hurt that same Monday... Long story short, i kicked my instructor in the groin but he had a cup on so i ended up with a contusion on my foot : (
I woke up in agony on Tuesday and hopped all the way to the hospital where they told me i had to get crutches. They told me i had to use the crutches for about three week, but my stubborn self discarded them the next day. In addition, on Wednesday, i actually went back to the class to learn some punches while in a statutory position so that i wouldn't upset the foot any further. Right now, it's Thursday and i'm still limping... I can't wait for it to heal completely so i can learn how to kick ass!
I've been craving sushi for a while now and i decided to go to Oh Fish! It's this nice sushi place downtown DC although it's a little pricey. Anyways, I ordered the Peko Peko for $9 and they made it right in front of me. It was pretty cool. Anyways, i enjoyed every bit of it and i can't wait to go back (as long as i have a coupon or something)...
I know all of you rich folks probably think i'm overacting about the price but spare me, i'm a student : D
I know all of you rich folks probably think i'm overacting about the price but spare me, i'm a student : D
Friday, March 2, 2012
That awkward moment...
Today my three year old niece stared me point blank in the face and said -"You're nasty Tolu".
What did i do this time? *sigh!*
What did i do this time? *sigh!*
Monday, February 20, 2012
Rose Plant
I've gotten flowers before but for the first time, i got a mini rose plant... an actual plant that i have to take care of. I think this is pretty unique and quite awesome. I'm hoping i can keep the plant for as long as possible because now I feel like it's one of my fishes. I got it on the 14th and so far, it's doing really good; lets see how long i can keep it up. I think a plant like this is one of those gifts that you truly appreciate.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Disruptive people on the METRO
I made this video a while ago and i posted it on YouTube. I just thought it would be nice to add it to my blog. These guys were definitely high on something.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
That awkward moment...
Today, while trying to cut a piece of plastic with my teeth, my little 3yr old niece sternly told me to use a pair of scissors. I felt so stupid! smh...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Trip to Atlantic City with Kay and Simi
Every one that knows me well knows how special Feb 3 is to me *wink*
Anyway, long story short, the three of us went to Atlantic City. Kay is my lil sis and Simi is my sis from another mother and father : ) . We had a fabulous time, to say the least. We stayed only two nights because we had to come back in time for a surprise party.
We stayed at the Trump Taj Mahal and it was pretty cool. On the second floor, there was a bridge that connected to the Resorts Hotel and Casino where we went to a 70's and 80's Dance Club. The Taj Mahal in itself had a club called Casbah and it's really one of a kind.
We took a walk to Caesars hotel, Trump Plaza, the Outlet malls and even on the boardwalk because it was a little warm considering the fact that it's still winter. We also went to this little family owned Indian buffet called Punjab - directly opposite our hotel. I think the three of us still dream about Punjab and would definitely go back there the next time we're anywhere near Atlantic City - It was awesome! both price-wise and taste-wise.
To conclude, I would definitely do this again with my two amigo's in a heartbeat!
Anyway, long story short, the three of us went to Atlantic City. Kay is my lil sis and Simi is my sis from another mother and father : ) . We had a fabulous time, to say the least. We stayed only two nights because we had to come back in time for a surprise party.
We stayed at the Trump Taj Mahal and it was pretty cool. On the second floor, there was a bridge that connected to the Resorts Hotel and Casino where we went to a 70's and 80's Dance Club. The Taj Mahal in itself had a club called Casbah and it's really one of a kind.
We took a walk to Caesars hotel, Trump Plaza, the Outlet malls and even on the boardwalk because it was a little warm considering the fact that it's still winter. We also went to this little family owned Indian buffet called Punjab - directly opposite our hotel. I think the three of us still dream about Punjab and would definitely go back there the next time we're anywhere near Atlantic City - It was awesome! both price-wise and taste-wise.
To conclude, I would definitely do this again with my two amigo's in a heartbeat!
Monday, January 23, 2012
My Sisters
I loooove my sisters so much. There's just something about them that makes my life a whole lot more special. We're actually five (girls only) and i'm the second. My older sis is just perfect. She knows how to make me smile when I'm in the sh#ttiest of moods and I know she's willing to do anything for me. As for the one directly after me, I think i spoil her too much. The final two are just the best siblings ever. I thank God everyday because i think I was lucky enough to be placed in my family. My parents are something else - I thinks they're guardian angels in disguise :)
Sometimes I wonder if any other families are as cool as mine...
Sometimes I wonder if any other families are as cool as mine...
Friday, January 20, 2012
Car Decal
For about a month now, I've been searching for the perfect decal to put on my car. Everyone knows i'm an avid android fan and i finally found the perfect decal. It shows my love for android and my "dislike" of the apple products... I just don't understand why people make it so easy for apple to manipulate, and make billions off of them. It's like they purposely break up the newer technology into various parts and come out with each part as a new generation every year... of course, their minions follow suit and buy the newer generations too every year!
Yeh yeh, i hear the apple minions already gearing up to attack me : )
Yeh yeh, i hear the apple minions already gearing up to attack me : )
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
DC and Cupcakes
There is just something about DC and cupcakes. You can't turn a corner without seeing a cupcake store. I really like cupcakes, and I've indulged as much as my body can handle :')
My favorite stores are:
- Hello Cupcake
- Curbside Cupcake
- Cakelove
- Crumbs
I got this "tray" one at Hello Cupcake (sorry, i ate some before i thought about taking a picture)
...and this, somewhat larger, vanilla-coconut, one at Crumbs
My favorite stores are:
- Hello Cupcake
- Curbside Cupcake
- Cakelove
- Crumbs
I got this "tray" one at Hello Cupcake (sorry, i ate some before i thought about taking a picture)
...and this, somewhat larger, vanilla-coconut, one at Crumbs
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
My favorite apps
I have a lot of apps on my Xoom mostly because amazon gives out a free app everyday and these are usually apps that you would normally pay for. Since i'm not on the apple platform, i can download as many apps as i want from anywhere i desire.
Anyways, i digress... my favorite apps (not in any particular order) are:
- Yahoo messenger
- Amazon appstore (of course)
- Plants Vs Zombies
- Netflix
- Where's my water
- My Fitness Pal
- Age of Zombies
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